Post by Memphremagog on Jun 6, 2004 23:44:58 GMT -5
I read from THE VAMPIRE HUNTER'S HANDBOOK about a deafening booming sound accompanying the apparition of the Kirklees Vampire. I do not recall reading of this in any other sources on real vampirism. Does this phenomenon always occur when the undead appear or only rarely! This seems like a poor way for a vampire to sneak up on a potential victime, but then who am I to say, not being a vampire myself! I know that the Vampire Research society is hesitant about giving out too much information for a variety of reasons, but would it be possible to get a "ballpark" figure of authenticated vampire cases beyond the "so many it is hard to recall"? Something like 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 or whatever number comes close, lets say since the Highgate case in the early '70's. Furthermore, I just finished reading CARMEL for the first time. What a great and intriguing book! I enjoyed it immensely! Good show!!
Post by Vampirologist on Jun 7, 2004 3:50:25 GMT -5
I cannot recall the "deafening booming sound" in the account of the Kirklees Vampire case, but I do know that deeply penetrating booming reverberations were a feature on some nocturnal visits to the Circle of Lebanon at Highgate Cemetery, but this is recorded in The Highgate Vampire, not The Vampire Hunter's Handbook.
All I can find in relation to Kirklees is "a terrible scream" that might have been an owl, "a discordant sound" of unknown origin, and the "wailing" of the third assistant "caught up in brambles with cuts to his face and hands."
What autheticates a vampire case for it to be entered on a register? If offering a precise figure is resisted it is because others (with an agenda to compulsively persist in their endeavour to mock and ridicule everything stated on this theme) will use that figure to distort further what has been established, ie that such things can be and that these things do actually happen. According to what is on file since the Highgate case, I would estimate the low tens for authenticated cases and several hundred for suspected cases.
Reasons why more authenticated cases are not published include prior privacy agreements with essential parties (without whom the published account becomes meaningless), security considerations and legal issues.
New Member
Posts: 7
Post by john on Jun 8, 2004 8:48:48 GMT -5
greetings to you all, hi memph,looks like your the only one visiting this site apart from vampirologist at the mo.so i thought id join in to keep things moving.A long time ago i heard a 1st account from a devout evangelist,who claimed that for many years starting with his childhood,something demonic was out to get him,and its appearance always started with a large booming noise,he has claimed that this has even happened to him in the street in daytime,and yes memph. i agree that its a strange way to declare ones presence,especially if on the prowl of a victim.Maybe,only the would be victim heres it or those in close proximity who disturb this abomination,and perhaps it creates this loud noise knowing that it produces fear in the victim or the intruder,after all fear is satans biggest weapon against humans,and i personally think that evil can feed or gain strength from human fear,IF WE LET IT.regards,john,also known as OAK CARVER.
Post by billbo54520 on Jun 11, 2004 22:41:41 GMT -5
Forgive the intrusion, but I disagree with the statement that fear is Satan's greatest weapon. I believe that ignorance, denial, and the sin of omission are Satan's greatest weapons, and his greatest trick is convincing man that he does not exist in the first place. As far as the booming sound, I'm sure that the experts know a great deal more about it than I, but I was just wondering if the sound might not be the sound of entering this plane of reality, kind of like a jet will make breaking the sonic barrier. Some theologians have suggested that the reason demonic possession occurs in the first place is because the demon is using the host to do its will in this world, and carry out its wishes while it is safe in Hell. Hell may be another world, who knows, but from a theological point of view it makes sense. If a demonic entity is possessing the corpse of a d**ned soul, and uses the body like a robot, the boom could be a disturbance when the entity first contacts its victim, or when materialization takes place. Could this be it?
Post by songstress on Aug 26, 2004 6:34:07 GMT -5
Hello Vampirologist,
Was the source of the booming sound in Highgate Cemetery, ever established?
Love, Patsy.
Post by FrumiousBoojum on Mar 21, 2005 20:40:19 GMT -5
Sorry to bring back old topics.... But are there any other occurances where such loud bangs might happen? And are they ever accompanied by flashes of light? The reason I ask is this... stuff like that happens around my apartment complex all the time. It travels, too. The few times I've been outside to see it, it's come from areas with no power lines of any sort -- comes from the woods. My apartment complex was built on the town of Hibernia, thus the complex's name -- Hibernia. It was a pretty short lived town that was established in that only had a post office for about 7 years in the mid 19th century, though the bus line had a stop at Hibernia, Ohio into the 50s. The old cemetary still stands in the middle of the complex -- it's called Carlisle Cemetery. Known graves range from 1810 to 1877. Most of the stones are only bases now. Pictures and some additional history can be seen at www.forgottenoh.com/Hibernia/hibernia.htmlWell, there's a large haunting history around here as well. I've seen stuff happen early on while living here, but I've been able to get it quieted down a lot. I've heard several tales -- even some coming from police -- of doors unlocking by themselves, locked doors flying open, etc. There's definitately a strong disturbance near the cemetery. Crime tends to be a little more common back by the cemetery as well. So, what I've been trying to figure out is if the loud bang/blinding light could possibly be linked to the other occurances around here. The noise is loud enough to set off car alarms. It's not been until recent when somebody's reported it to the rental office. I was probably the first when I asked about it, trying to figure out how widespread it's gotten. I know it's happened near the rental office as well, but I haven't heard anybody claim it to be in the area of the cemetery yet. Any thoughts?
Post by Memphremagog on Mar 22, 2005 1:00:15 GMT -5
Thank you for the information about Hibernia Ohio. Its nice to see another Yank on these websites besides myself.
Of course the first thing someone will ask you do you think these booms might be "sonic booms" from aircraft breaking the sound barrier nearby? Is there a military or airforce base bearby? Out in Area 51 in Nevada such noises are not rare at all.
Now I am assuming you will respond in the negative to the question immediately above. I have not read of any similar sounds from the works of Montague Summers or those who preceded him such as Dom Augustin Calmet. It is only from the writings of +Sean Manchester that I have read of them.
Are these sounds accompanying a vampiric entity or something else? Why do they manifest themselves? Is it in the mind of the one hearing it or is it recordable on audio tape? Are they an intimidating warning of impending attack on the part of the vampire to scare its intended victim? None of these questions seem to have an answer.
I must admit it all intrigues me a great deal. Have there been reports of exsanguinations in the vicinity of Hibernia? Have there been people seen sleep walking in or near the cemetery as seems to have taken place in Highgate? Are there any weird or unexplained disturbances in or near the cemetery that have people baffled? You mentioned slamming doors and the like, that could be ghostly activities or poltergeists. But are there ever any animals found drained of blood, or worse yet, have any people reported being in an anemic state after a restless night of struggling to sleep?
Perhaps you have a vampire in Hibernia Ohio or perhaps there are other explanations, but if the answer to some of the questions I asked here are in the affirmative then one might want to consider contacting the Vampire Research Society.
That reminds me of another question I have always wanted to ask. In an earlier response to a question put forth by myself as to the number of authenticated vampire cases the V.R.S. has solved or investigated the answer was "in the low tens". Were these cases all in the British Isles or were they on the European mainland as well? Have there been any authenticated vampire cases investigated by the V.R.S. in the United States or Canada?
Well that shoul provide you all with something to think about before retiring to you peaceful repose at night. So, as Dr. Eddie X would say, Sweet dreams! __________________________ Memphremagog. In te Domine speravi.
Post by Vampirologist on Mar 22, 2005 4:03:35 GMT -5
Like so much that is of a supernatural source the subterranean booming sounds at Highgate Cemetery cannot be fully explained. It can sometimes only be associated with incidents which of themelves are paranormal and thereafore are perhaps beyond explanation other than those of a metaphysical nature.
A natural source was not established at Highgate, leaving only a supernatural explanation associated with the presence of something from a nether region in close proximity.
The Vampire Research Society chronicles suspected contagion around the world, but only has the means to physically investigate incidents in the British Isles and very occasionally Europe.
The "low tens" refers to resolved cases within Great Britain and Western Europe.
Post by oakcarver5 on Mar 22, 2005 6:12:28 GMT -5
Hi frumy,and welcome,its sounds like you live in a very interesting place,i live in south-east england,and theres a very old village nearby that has a lot of paranormal activity,but no-one seems to want to research the place apart from myself,its a very ancient place and a lot of roman finds dug up there proves that,ive had a few experiences there myself over the years,in fact its a hot spot,the reason why i mention this here is because a lot of the activities stem from the old graveyard of the old disused church,i have met policemen that are affraid to go near the place,as they have encountered satanists possibly necromancers there at night.Now these booms that you here,of course they need investigating,they dont neccessarily need to be paranormal,but i have experienced these and other unaccountable sounds during some investigations into reputed haunted sites,and ive met others that have encountered similar,i dont know wether they are recordable ive not as yet tried,but each time,the noises have been exterior and even led to ground and stonework vibrating.As for moving doors etc.,you may be interested to know that i am investigating a poltergeist in a building at this moment,there are many witnesses,and ive managed to solve why they are taking place,i found out that there was a murder in the building that used to stand on this site,its all a bit dark & depressing really,especially as the current owner wont have it exorcised or blessed.let us know of any future developments there in hibernia,all the best,oak carver.
Post by FrumiousBoojum on Mar 22, 2005 7:51:46 GMT -5
There is the airport and military facilities nearish, but it's about 10 minute drive by freeway, 15-20 minute by road -- not quite close enough for me to ever see the activity and it's always too low and too centralized to this area to be coming from air craft. I've lived in this area my whole life (moving from just around the corner just over a year ago) and have never heard or seen this type of activity in this area until I moved here. My roommate says that the same thing happens near the recreation center where his mother used to work, another woody place with a nearby creek. But that's even farther away from any aircraft than I am.
Investigation on my own can get tricky as it is a working apartment complex.
As for poltergeist, there's too much other non-poltergeist activity happening to be that. Shadows moving through rooms, sounds of crowds, and even claw marks appearing on me (which happened during a time my cat was locked up). Of course, I dealt with this as fast as I could and things have been quiet in my apartment.
There's no evidence of any kind of vampiric activity.
Post by oakcarver5 on Mar 22, 2005 13:47:23 GMT -5
hi frumy,maybe you should start an investigation group in your home town,there must be lots of people with there own experiences and you could start logging them.Did you wake up with those claw marks,when & how did they appear and what action did you take?regards,oak carver.
Post by FrumiousBoojum on Mar 22, 2005 17:15:25 GMT -5
A couple of notes a while ago that might be helpful...
The airport that's used for more military purposes is not only rarely used, but also much farther away. The nearest airport is pretty much travel means, only. I work close to that airport and never hear anything near where I work.
Also, the recreation center that my roommate's mother used to work at has a large field as part of it (a field that's surrounded by a hill on four sides... rather odd). But that field was the site of a really bad train derailment many years ago and a ghost train re-enacting the derailment has been reported to happen frequently since then. I have not yet experienced that or the loud boom/flash of light at this location, but my roommate has experienced the boom there and another friend had seen the train.
Post by FrumiousBoojum on Mar 22, 2005 17:20:06 GMT -5
hi frumy,maybe you should start an investigation group in your home town,there must be lots of people with there own experiences and you could start logging them.Did you wake up with those claw marks,when & how did they appear and what action did you take?regards,oak carver. I did wake up... it was probably around January or February of last year. My cat definately could not have made the marks as he was locked up for the night and his paws weren't big enough to do them yet. They were on my chest, about 4-5 marks spread out rather wide, done like all were done in the same stroke. I did the casting out/demanding that I should've done... things quieted down after that.
Post by Memphremagog on Mar 22, 2005 19:33:15 GMT -5
Hi Frumy, Oakie, et alia, Memphremagog here!
I realize this question will probably be answered in the the negative but I feel it must be asked if for no other reason than to eliminate (or open up) another avenue.
What I mean is that I noticed the area is named HIBERNIA, the ancient name of Ireland. If there were at one time a large number of Irish immigarants living in the area perhaps the sound is a manifestation of the Banshee. If you are fortunate enough to locate a book entitled THE BANSHEE: THE IRISH DEATH MESSENGER by Patricia Lysaght you will see that the sounds made by the banshee are not always that of a wailing or sobbing woman but on occasion do sound different. I haven't read of a banshee manifestation that had a deafening booming sound accompanying it, but thought maybe that could be the case here. This is especially true in the case of families with full Irish heritage on both sides of the family.
Have there been any Irish families that lived in Hibernia and if so are there any local legends about the banshee? The banshee not only manifests herself in Ireland but also among Irish who emigrated to the European mainland and the New World as well. But the Irish Death Messenger almost never appears except to those of full Irish extraction, although non-Irish people who happened to be in the vicinity at the moment of manifestation have also seen and heard it. But it appears intentionally only to Irish folk immediately before the death of a family member.
Just food for thought and speculation. May you never hear a banshee wail! _______________________________ Memphremagog. In te Domine speravi.
Post by FrumiousBoojum on Mar 23, 2005 0:25:04 GMT -5
I'll need to go over to the cemetery soon and see if I can find any last names... I've not been able to successfully find out much history about the old town other than what the page I linked to says about the town.
I do have a strong Irish heritage on my father's side. My father's side had been in Kentucky since the 18th century, living in the hills, away from most modern life up until the 40s or 50s, so I was raised up with the Kentucky folk lore and superstition, which much of it no doubt originated from the Irish roots. So, something from an Irish origin would not surprise me at all.
My roommate, who's also heard it, is pure German (and his entire name shows that fact), though. If it is a Banshee, he'd need to be included in those non-irish that heard it.
However, it's happened a bit too often to be a Banshee. At most, it's happened once a week. Usually closer to once a month (or at least when I've been home to see or hear it). It doesn't seem to be widely noticed... I hear it, but when I check outside, I never see anybody running to see what happened. People around here would be running outside to find the source if they've noticed it. But most definately do not. Only a couple others seem to notice the noise.